Saturday, November 28, 2009

"Charity Home Hopping" by District 308B2

Here's something new. I have gotten some sponsored items that include t-shirts, books & stationery sets and so on mostly for kiddos use. Hence, to try this out, after the "Save Your Kidneys" program organized by the Leo Club of Yuk Choy, Ipoh, I brought a few Leos from Anderson Ipoh & Penang City for .. what I call as... hmmm "Charity Home Hopping"! Haha.

It sounds like those island hopping projects or shopping mall hopping projects.. or a guy night's out "bar-hopping" too! haha. Oh well, running on that line, we are going to do that. I'm openly plagiarizing an idea from the Andersonian Leos who said that they wanted to do something like an "Amazing Race"-ish idea! I was very interested and I told them.. the District will support in any ways possible. When an idea like that comes up, of course we should share with everyone!

Here's the plan. Let's do this sometime around Christmas or after....

1. Form 1 team of not more than 5 people
2. 1 must be able to drive (like duhhhh), and has a car
3. Driver can be a Lions member, of whom will be the judge and moderator of your activities!

The gameplan:
1. Identify 10 Orphanage in your region within 30km in radius.
2. Contact all these orphanage giving them specific time on your arrival at their home.
3. Obtain approval from your sponsoring Lions Clubs and school authorities (if applicable)

The task
1. You need to go to each of the home, perform a community service at their home all within 1 hour, and the caretaker of the home MUST be happy and sign off on a form that they give you a "pass"!
2. The services include the following:
a) Toilet cleaning
b) Cooking lunch or dinner or preparing something for tea time for the kids
c) Cleaning up bedroom
d) painting?
e) Anything else - you have to propose what you intend to do ya.. and which home (with their approvals too!)

At every home, you are required to upload a few photos of your team's activities on a designated Facebook account. At central control (chehhh wah!), someone will monitor who sends in first! Teams will be given marks etc etc!

The Champion team will walk away with RM 500.00 worth of grant for your club to perform community service! (This means you cannot take the money for a fellowship project or to buy you a new Ipod! duhhh!)

Any takers on this? I hope each region will send at least ONE team!!!!! Write to me @ if you want to take part!!!!

Lion Alan Thoo
DC Leo

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"Saving your Kidneys" Campaign @ Kuching, Sarawak

Together with the IPP of the Lions Club of Ipoh Metro (N.C), Lion Marcus Loh, we were given the opportunity to travel to Kuching to lead the "Saving Your Kidneys" campaign by the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), fully sponsored by DiGi. The team comprised Teen Ambassador of the NKF, Azizi Zakaria, and 3 other LEO Club member that included Leo Steven Tiw (from SMI Ipoh) & Leo Aaron Gabriel & Leo Kamaldip (La Salle Klang). Initially, Marcus headed a team of locals from Kuching together with Azizi. In the 2nd week, the 3 Leos joined them.. with flights, accomodation and all expenses fully paid for by Event Plus (M) Sdn Bhd & the Lions Club of Ipoh Metro N.C.

Before the 2nd week of the campaign started, these 3 Leos were given the opportunity to attend the Family Day of Lions Nursing Home...

Leos Steven, Aaron & Kamaldip got a chance to take part in some of the activities too!

The gang also got a chance to meet up with LIONS International Director, Hjh Ellis Suriati, who is also the Chairperson for the Lions Nursing Home too! Pn Hjh Ellis has always been an inspiration to myself personally... and my work too. I am always inspired with high motivation especially after listening to any one of her speeches and talks. Her words of wisdom truly brings out the best in you.. If I am ever given a chance to work with her on anything at all, it would be my biggest honour and priviledge! :)


Before the 2nd week started... Leos Steven, Aaron and Kamaldip were also given an
opportunity to witness a Live! radio interview of Azizi on SarawakFM with DJ Am!

As the Teen Ambassador of NKF, Azizi has been giving such talks in Melaka, Johor, PJ and now in Kuching. We visited non-Leo based schools LEO based schools like SMK Pandungan, SMK & SK Batu Lintang, Kuching High, St. Thomas, SMK St.Teresa, SMK Chung Hua amongst others... The main objective of the campaign is to urge school going teenagers to reduce the intake of sugar and salty food.. hence keeping their lifestyle as healthy as possible and of course, preserving their kidneys at a tip-top condition.

St. Teresa LEO Club members with Azizi


Leos keying in their e-mails so that we can add them on Facebook, Twitter or blogs later..
Truly a great fellowship that expanded across regions!!!

Kuching Leos are a fun bunch! Seen here one of their younger, smaller sized Leo member
kena "saboh" by his gang of mischieves. Haha...

Leos from District308A2 seen here "attacking" Leo Steven... (haha) for badges exchange! :P

This trip to Kuching really was a meaningful one for us all.. as we managed to build bridges across to District308A2... With that, expertise & experience can be shared too! In time to come the Leo Club of Swinburne University (O) and the Leo Club of Georgetown Mutiara will become sister clubs.. Thus engaging in more inter-district activities! We hope that one day, challenging all odds, some alpha clubs will also twin! (Hint-hint... St.Thomas was interested when I threw them the idea! hmmmmm..)

I conducted some games too...hehe.. (bad habits die hard)

Azizi performed a song too... and a Leo Xavier from Leo Club of St Thomas sang Gary Chaw's 背叛 too!

The Fellowship ended at about 9.30pm.. here's a group photo of the remaining Leos who were still very fresh despite the fact that they have school tomorrow (?) - haha.. ya ya.. it's the last day of school one said.. and some said it's already holidays! (tskk! tskkk!)

The "Saving Your Kidneys" campaign sponsor in Kuching, DiGi & Giant-Ants (M) Sdn Bhd, talent agency for Azizi Zakaria, sponsored the dinner for the fellowship. Each LEO and Lion paid an entrance fee to the event of which all proceeds , a total of RM425.00 raised, will go to the National Kidney Foundation. Even though not a huge amount... but heyyyy... this fellowship was not even planned in the first placed! It is never about the amount, it is always about the fact that we try our best in giving hope to the people in need. It's always the small steps in Making the Difference!!! :)

Aite! It's already 3.30am...last night @ Kuching ... but our work is not done yet. We are visiting the NKF Dialysis Center in Kuching tomorrow to help out whatever we can... and later a final promo of "Saving Your Kidneys" @ a local shopping mall here before we fly back to Kuala Lumpur...

Kuching has been fun. I definitely would love to come back in the near future!

Lion Alan Thoo
DC Leo
District 308B2

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

LEO FORUM 2010 Log #002

A big thumbs up for Leo Club of PJI & Taman Sea for volunteering to host the "Fiesta" project in the Leo Forum. FYI, this is a new programme to instill fellowship. more info wil be available as they plan the event. This is really exciting!!!! Hmmm.. perhaps we should call it...

"Fiesta of Colours@ Leo Forum 2010"

Leo Club of La Salle Klang has also expressed interest in the Special Project for the forum. We'll do something more meaningful this time round and hopefully will create awareness about L.E.O and who will are!!!!

I'm thinking of putting a cam and recording the entire forum meeting... hahhaa.. let you guys see the stress, the anger... the gila-ness... in the FOC meeting! haha

Oh well....more updates soon!!!!!

~DC Alan Thoo~

Leo Forum 2009...

I had the privilege of talking to a bunch of young & talented bunch of Leos this afternoon @ SMK Subang Utama as we had the "inaugural" meeting of the FOC... (Well, to be exact 9to save my a**, it wasn't really a meeting, but more of a brainstorming/idea digging/creativity indulging session come briefing for 2010 Sub District 308B2 LEO Forum)

There were quite a number of questions, thoughts thrown out by the fellow Leos... concerns... dissatisfactions etc etc over previous forums.. some due to unforeseen circumstances where they are out-of-our control... some that are within our powers to change for the better.. most of all... I think one thing that came up was...


YUP. I totally agree with that one, for sure! haw haw haw! Oh well... The thing is, we have to kind'a like ensure that we house everything under one roof so that we do not have problems with the following:

i) WTH?!!! how to make it back here at 7! It's already 5.30 and we're waiting for those %%^^&*$#%^ buses that are always late!!!
ii) Where's the food?
iv) I have to whatttt?!!!! walk up the stairs???? Wait? 2 lifts? whatttttttt?!?!!!!!

Also.... one of the most important objectives of a LEO Forum has never been met always...

To those who have been to LEO Forums before...
You arrive @ the hotel, no keys. Haywire. Wait. Buses suddenly comes. FOC starts to move you guys into buses. But wait.. my luggage? Chuck here! Dont worry. Go first. You go on board. Then, you forgot.. OH NO! My lunch!!! Then, you followed the whole group under the hot sun. No idea who is who, what is what. Then, you did what they asked you to do. Then, you come back. Lift overload. You climb up 11 floors up. Wait for the toilet cause the other 3 dudes are shaving. Then, you get your turn. Rushed out of the room... then, lift overload. you rush down. Then, you have to wait again. and again. then.. you arrive at the venue... too packed and over-stressed out people starts screaming. then you boh song and tu-lan, then, you still kept quiet.. mood totally gone... the food sux. then, head banging music. then.. go back. then, you wanted to go next door to ask for food & drinks, then.. the FOC comes knocking on doors and you're busted. then... next morning, you wake up.. tired as hell.. then, you went through the opening. attend some seminars... get some awards... then.. the process of the bus-hotel-lift-climb-wait-vice versa cycle takes place again... then, you had the banquet... then... the other night cycle rotates itself. Next morning, you dragged yourself up.. no breakfast or breakfast is just sandwich.. then.. YOU GO HOME. :)

Fellowship? oh come on...! Name me 10 leos from other regions whom you've met and kept in touch with since the Penang Forum? Or the Ipoh Forum???

Yea.. those stuff. But, do note, it's not going to be an easy task for the FOC this time round cause I gave them a challenge... to make this next forum... THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE... (fuyoh!) How are we able to do that... oh goes:

i) All under RM200.. or RM250 perhaps?
ii) 3 to a standard room rather than 4 (wah liaoo eh.. as some said!)
iii) Do everything differently!!! (hahaha!)
iv) Each portfolio or "departments" to perfect all the smaller details in order to give that Ultimate Experience...!

Not easy. I have supervised LEO Forums for many years now, and this time round, I'm not just supervising a small or sub-department. I'm to handle the advisory board as a whole, to give that Ultimate Experience too. Not easy I must say....! But in Stephen Covey's highly acclaimed 7 Habits.... his 2nd habit is ~ "Begin with the End in Mind!"... 'nuff said!

In addition to that, we are bringing change! Our FOCC is the youngest that I have ever worked with.. oh ya, if you do not know by now, she's the current President of the Leo Club of SMK Subang Utama, Leo Michelle Wu!!! it;ll be a challenge for her to work with and control half of the FOC who is older and more experienced than her! But I have faith in what I do, what I see, what I know... And Michelle is gonna be one helluva chic you do not wanna mess with. yaaa (Eliza, you're out-dated! hohoho)

Some ideas that were thrown about was to eliminate transportation (hence, One Venue!)... an event that encourages bonding & fellowship and I'm not just talking about Fellowship Nite alone... and even more.

Sub-District LEO Forum 308B2...
June 2010

Hmmmm..... I quote a girl from the south who claimed that they inevitably host the best forums as compared to B2 as we are pretty suckish... here's what I have to say...

"You're gonna miss out so much fun as you are not invited to our Ultimate Forum next year!"

This of course has to end with a ":P" (blek)

We have a great team. We shall have the ULTIMATE LEO FORUM.

DC Alan Thoo

Monday, November 09, 2009


Recently at the joint installation of 10 clubs in Region 4, Perak, I was asked to give a speech. I have spoken about Thinking out of the Box; Say no to Impossible; Dare to Dream and be Different and many more! But, I chose to speak about COMPETITION that day.

Imagine this... you drive a local made Waja 1.6 with the (highly acclaimed?) Campro engine with big spoilers Turbo engine charged with some ah beng blue lights and lousy sound system that is abit.. erm.. Beng-ish.

Your 2 other friends drive a Sportish Evo 8 and the other, a Skyline!

You Loose! (Ahem)

1) You were too busy comparing yourself against foreign cars with the usual lame excuses of ~ They have experts, we don't... Their car more canggih mannn... they are foreigners....they more pro....

2) You were too busy pouring oil on the other fella's tracks... or you were finding time staying up so late at night prior to the race.. to punture their car tyres (only to realize their tyre so canggih cannot puncture!!!!)

3) You were constantly complaining about them.. them.. them...


You had no time to go for "skills" training... attend perfection classes... look for sponsors for additional training... or upgrading of your engine... No time at all for you to even get that car service... you were just TOO busy bothering on what the others were doing and constantly wanting to pour oil onto their tracks.. only to realize one day.. the brick wall is right in front of you!!!!

Folks.. think!!!! ok? Some clubs are stronger. Some are not. Some have great leaders, some have great BOD support. Some.. their Lions Club so supportive until... they get everything paid for... Some even organize projects that you would never have thought of!

My response to you is,.....


Think again. Sometimes, some clubs fight and fight and fight... and they kind'a forget what the war was all about... and because winning that Top Award meant so much.. you kind'a like have lost your way .. lost your focus.. on what it really meant when you first took up that right hand and said....

"I Pledge of My Hands.. Extended and Help those in need... "


Lion Alan Thoo
DC Leo

Friday, November 06, 2009


Dear Leos,

We are opening positions of the Forum Organizing Committee now. FYI, the forum will be held in the Klang Valley in 2010. Hence, we encourage all Leos to take part in organizing the next Leo Forum with a difference!

Send me an email - if you are interested.


DC Alan Thoo

Monday, November 02, 2009

District 308B2 mourns the departure of Leo James Wan

It caught my attention ~ the unfortunate and tragic incident of 3 young undergraduates of UTAR at a waterfall in Kampar.. the sms news update from the Star that I subscribe sent shivers down my spine as I thought... how sad could that be? How unfortunate. One minute they were happily enjoying a nice and cool dip, and the next minute, you realize you are struggling with their lives trying to survive the sudden rush of water. Yes. Their lives were ended terribly. I felt it so deeply and for some reason then, I didn't know why, but i had this feeling weird feeling that really paused me for a moment. Then... one of my Leos called. One of the deceased was Top Secretary from Chung Ling last couple of years back... Leo James Wan. I was shocked and I was speechless.

I didn't know what to say or do, but to pray that the family and friends of James.. would stay strong. To all Leos, life is short... live your life well... You just will not know what would happen to you next.

And to all the media who published the photo of James caught up in between the tree roots and debris... shame on you all!!! I don't believe such photos are necessary. It only adds sorrow to the grieving family.

Lion Alan Thoo
DC Leo