Friday, June 19, 2009


Dear Leos,

We as LEOs have been using lots of paper all these years. Let's start this next fiscal year by doing this:

Although over the last 5 years with DC Lion Andy Lim's new directions, we have started E-Reporting .. and ever since then, we have reduced the usage of paper reports. Not only did we save paper, we have also saved loads of postal expenses etc! The rules over the years remain, ya...

All secretaries, you need to submit your reports by email, and this year, I only accept E-Reporting and will not accept any form of paper report. Hence, I would like to push for 100% E-Reporting. Clubs without access to the internet, well we live in a modern IT world now. It's time to start pushing yourself to learn how to send a report via email.

ii) E-Newsletters/Blogs
Please stop all printed newsletters from 1st July onwards. Use online blogs to update your members, other clubs or even the public! Don't just use your club's blog as a bulletin board. See what I have done with the District LEO 308B2 blog? In the fiscal year of 2008/2009, I used the Perak LEOs Blog to update everyone, post articles, post reports of projects carried out, link clubs to the world of LEOs... and many more! Check this out, it's still active for now.. :P

iii) E-Invites
Send out invitation letters to other LEO Clubs via email. Post on your Facebook, Friendster etc etc to create awareness about your club or club's activities via the internet! Paper invites are very 1990's by the way (haha!).. hence, remember! Use the Facebook "Events" application to invite guests too! There are so many ways to invite people...via the internet!!!

DC's Club visits
On another note, if your club has any meetings, BOD, general or even project meetings, do give me a hauler ya! This would be a great opportunity for me to do some club visits. Here are some photos of my visit earlier today to One of the 2 Top Club award winners for FY 08/09, Leo Club of SMK Subang Utama!

Left: Pn Kalwant Kaur, teacher advisor, giving a briefing to LEO members
Right: In-coming President, Leo Michelle Wu conducting the BOD meeting after the general meeting.

Aite! Save paper!!!!!


Ln Alan Thoo
DC Designate FY 09/10


Unknown said...

great idea.. lets use less paper and use mediums tht does not need to harm too much natural resources.. kudos Ln Alan.. we have taken too much from mother earth for our own selfish usages lets now help her heal with the little things that we could do to make sure that she will be able to have a better tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

ok didnt expect a blog post for my club's meetings! but thanks anyway, lion! :D