Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Dear Leos,

You might not know that there are lots of scholarships floating around in our country... looking for bright and young teens like yourself to further your studies!!! Remember ~ there's nothing such as IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Apply for it!!! you never know if you'll get it or not!! good Luck!!!

MARA Scholarship Programs
http://www.mara. gov.my/english/ division/ BPP/default. htm

Yayasan Proton Scholarship
http://www.malaysia -scholarship. com/yproton. html

PTPTN Education Loan
http://ptptn. gov.my/

The Star Education Fund
http://thestar. com.my/edufund

Astro Scholarship Award
http://www.astro. com..my/v5/ astrolife/ scholarship/

PETRONAS Education Scholarship Programs
http://esu-spmtrial .petronas. com.my/

2007 MNRB Scholarship Fund
http://www.mnrb. com.my/

OCBC Bank Scholarship
http://www.ocbc. com.my/global/ aboutOCBC/ Gco_Abt_Communit y.shtm

Bank Negara Scholarship
http://www.bnm. gov.my/

ABM 50th Merdeka Scholarship
http://www.abm. org.my/

Curtin Sarawak Scholarship
http://www.curtin. edu.my/

The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus High Achievers Scholarships
http://www.nottingh am.edu.my/ students/ MISC/High% 20Achievers% 20Scholarship% 202006-July06. pdf

HELP University College
http://www.help. edu.my/scholarsh ips/index. php

Adelaide Achiever Scholarships International (AASI)
http://www.internat ional.adelaide. edu.au/future/ scholarships/ ug/

Curtin University of Technology Scholarship
http://www.emaac. org/

Charles Darwin University Scholarship
http://www.malaysia -scholarship. com/www.cdu. edu.au/engineeri ng/scholarships_ ug_int_eng. htm

Kolej Disted-Stamford Degree Scholarships
http://www.disted. edu.my/

Leeds University Scholarships
http://scholarships .leeds.ac. uk/

Loughborough University Human Science Scholarships
http://www.lboro. ac.uk/

MAAC Scholarship - La Trobe University 2006
http://www.latrobe. edu.au/internati onal/courses/ ug.html

NUS / Asean Undergraduate Scholarship
http://www.nus. edu.sg/admission s/undergrad/ scholarship/ nus_asean. htm

UCL Pathfinder Scholarships
http://www.ucl. ac.uk/

University of Sheffield Scholarship
http://www.shef. ac.uk/malaysia/ entry.html

UTAR Scholarships
http://www.utar. edu.my/

Nanyang Technological University Scholarship
http://www.ntu. edu.sg/oad/ scholarships/ nanyang.htm

Tasmanian International Scholarships
http://www.internat ional.utas. edu.au/documents /internationalAp plication. pdf

University of Malaya Fellowship Scheme
http://ips.um. edu.my/

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Scholarship
http://www.unimas. my/

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST Discovery Scholarship)
http://apply. embark.com/ kaust/discovery/

Universiti Malaysia Sabah Scholarship
http://www.ums. edu.my/pasca

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Thanks, Lion Alan!