Tuesday, July 28, 2009

MAAR/PAR reports

Dear Leos,

So that everyone has a clear picture on the reporting for the first time this fiscal year, let's go through once again ya!

By the 5th of August 2009, 5.00pm Malaysian time, your secretary MUST submit their reports to the following people:
  • DC Alan Thoo (alan@eventplusmarketing.com)
  • Leo Secretariat (leosecretariat@gmail.com)
  • RCC (Your respective RCC emails pls)
  • Sponsoring Lions Club President
  • Leo Advisor
  • Faculty Advisor (Alpha only)
Your reports MUST include:
  • MAAR1
  • PAR (Optional ~ for those who would like to elaborate on a particular project that they have organized)
  • Treasurer Report (Only to Sponsoring Lions Club President & Advisors!)
*You may send up to 5Mb of the email. Please shrink/compress all photos prior to saving your files.

Kindly ensure the following:
  • Zip all files in a folder.
  • Rename the folder as year-month-region-club (i.e. 200907-R5-leoclubof_alibaba.zip)
  • When you send an email, please put a title... not just "Report for the month of July!". For example, the title of your email should be "Report for the month of July - Leo Club of Ali Baba
  • In your email, have the courtesy to type a cover note as I will not accept any emails that are blank. Learn to be courteous and have manners when you send your reports by email. For example:
Dear Lion Alan,

Attached herewith reports for the month of July 2009 for your kind perusal. Should there be any queries, kindly contact me at XXXXXXXX.


Leo Chin Chong Cheng
Leo Club of SMK Ali Baba
Region 5
District 308B2

Log on to Penang's Region 1 Blog (Click Here), to find out how you can create pdf files of your documents so that you can shrink them into smaller sizes.

That's all, and good luck on the reporting! No excuses will be entertained for late reports ya. Just because this is the first month, you might be thinking that I will be slightly more "lenient" towards the acceptance of your reports. Well, think again! :)

On another note, I would like to call upon all bloggers/IT Chairpersons to add a separate link of this District 308B2 LEO Clubs blog into your blog, instead of grouping everything in a list of other blogs that you link up. Here's how you do it

1) Go to your CUSTOMIZE button, click on it.
2) Click on ADD A GADGET
3) Scroll down and select BLOGLIST
4) Change title to "District 308B2 LEO Online"
5) At the 'tick' box, click all incl "Thumbnail of most recent item"
6) In the middle, there's a ADD TO LIST button, click on it
7) When a pop up comes up, type "www.leo308b2.blogspot.com" and save
8) Click on Save!



Lion Alan Thoo
District Chairperson for LEO Clubs
District 308B2

Monday, July 27, 2009

Malaysia lost one of her best irreplaceable directors.. Yasmin Ahmad

District 308B2 LEO Clubs 'celebrates' the life of highly acclaimed director, Yasmin Ahmad, who gave us the marvelous masterpieces like SEPET, TALENTIME and loads of touching, heart-warming teary Petronas Festive Ads.... She's truly one Director & story-teller that can touch our hearts by making us stop and think for a couple of seconds... and make a U Turn where necessary... of which some situations that may change our lives forever! People around the world are mourning for her, and I strongly feel that above us all... Kak Min would not want that.

She'd want us to stay happy always and every drop of tear that rolls down should be of joy and happiness rather that sad and darkness.

Kak Min, you'll truly be missed. Your work on Talentime moved me so much, it made me stop to think many times. Your ads, no matter for what cause, integrates family values, racial unity and a ONE MALAYSIA concept even before it is widely publicized recently. Your "stories" made me move on with my life and wiggle with the sadness of reality in our lives, no matter what... and achieve those goals in life despite the hardship of being a perceived minority.

Alan Thoo
District Chairperson for LEO Clubs
District 308B2

Some of the great works of Yasmin Ahmad touching on Family values

Festive ads

Merdeka Day Ads

Monday, July 20, 2009

"Save Your Kidneys" Campaign at your school!!!!

Dear Leos,

In our quest this fiscal year to provide as much assistance as possible to the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), we hereby would like to propose a few projects for you for your regions. Here they are:

i) School visits by NKF Teen Ambassador, Azizi Zakaria
With the launching of Celebrity Leo, Azizi Zakaria, as the Teen Ambassador of the National Kidney Foundation, he was entasked to visit 50 schools in the Southern Region to spread the awareness of the dangers of kidney diseases.

Azizi and team have done almost 20+ schools to date. During this hour-long session, students were shown videos of kidney patients' interviews, kidney treatment processes and also methods to prevent end-stage kidney disease!

Due to great response from teachers and students, NKF has decided to explore the Northern region! All you need to do is to send me an email alan@eventplusmarketing.com, and I shall explain to you the steps to bring Azizi and his team to your school to conduct this meaningful talk. Do note, as Azizi is just a teenager himself, his talk is not the typical health talks you experience in school! It's very interactive! :)

For now, we are opening this talk to Region 2-4 only (Perak, Penang & Kedah). If your club is interested, drop me a mail ya! We will explain everything in detail. Oh ya, forgot to mention, all costs are paid for! Hence, your club doesn't have to come up with any cash! :)

ii) Organize grouped visits to National Kidney Foundation @ your area.

There 23 dialysis center around the country that service 1000++ patients. Like Azizi when he performs for showcases and concerts around the country, Azizi would take time off to visit and lend a helping hand to the dialysis centres. YOU TOO... can o your part! Log on to www.nkf.org.my, check out where is the location of the nearest dialysis centre near you... drop me an email, and I will help you arrange for the visits to the centres. There, you can help the nurses, talk to the patients, cheer them up by singing in groups or just a simple chat would be sufficient! Groups of not more than 15 per visit only ya... as too many people will tend to jam up the operations.

iii) "Kick-A-Life" Charity Futsal Tournament

This is the latest program by the NKF. The NKF is looking for organizers to organize the charity event to raise funds for the NKF patients. Your club could organize this entirely on your own, or organize it as a Joint Project ya!!!

So, talk to your advisors.. your BOD... join us in the miracle journey and a quest to provide the best assistance to quality projects in aid of the National Kidney Foundation!!!!


DC Leo Alan Thoo

Friday, July 17, 2009


Dear all Secretaries,

As your club has just started a brand new fiscal year, I am pretty sure you do not want your records to be tarnished simply because you folks didn't perform your first duty to the best of your capabilities. So far, I have only received ONE completed Directory from Leo Club of SMK Taman Sea (thumbs up!!!!)

Please submit the following:

i) Key Officers & Portfolio Chairperson/Directors for FY 2009/2010 (Due 30th July 2009)
ii) Membership updates (Due 31st August 2009)

I have extended the membership database collection, but I seriously need your Directory for your BOD by end of July!

Please send your directories to:
i) leosecretariat@gmail.com
ii) alan@eventplusmarketing.com

Please rename your file to: directory-clubname.xls
For example: directory-leoclubof_abubakar.xls

DC Alan Thoo

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Grabbing Opportunities ....!

Sometimes, in life, opportunities come by quickly. You may have 10 people who walk into the Leo Idol audition room and 2 makes it, the rest go home... and perhaps there might be the next 10 who go in and none got pass the chopping boards. Sometimes, one wonders, is it all about talent? Is it all about luck? Is it timing?

Why is it that some of the MBA or Degree holders who graduate from a university get only about Rm3k ++ a month (for the last 5 years).. and there's this other dude who failed his SPM.. yet he's driving a BMW? How come out of the 50 MBA graduates, only 5 made it as CEOs and the other 45... probably working under them?

Let's ponder on this:
3) SHE'S PRETTIER...or... HE'S SMARTER....more handsome.. THAT'S WHY lahhhh!

Have you ever thought of it the other way round:
1) This world sux, but I'm going to wiggle my way through! No matter what!
2) Ya.. He got the job cause his uncle's a damnnnn powerful man. But, I dont care. i'm going to proof to the world that no matter what it takes, I don't need an uncle, dad or whoever to bring me up. I will work hard and smart ... and achieve my goals and dreams
3) Ya I know she's a hot chic. People adore her. But that won't last. I'm not going to loose to a bimbo. I'm going to work harder and show the world.. that.. life is not always about looks and beauty!

To summarize....
Yup... I agree with everyone! LIFE SUX! The World and reality Sux! The next question is..

Life sux to the end. Reality's cruel...! When you know you are driving towards a dead end, why not make a U Turn rather than crashing your car into the wall? When you climb to the top of the mountain only to find out that it's the wrong peak....(!!!??) Are you going to jump off the mountain and die? Or are you going to descend.. and climb the right mountain so that you still get to achieve your goals and dreams?

Life is never fair to everyone. A fact that is duely inevitable. However, if you learn how to go around it, learn to adapt to it... YOU LIVE!!!! You SURVIVE!!!! AND...


There are a couple types of people amongst us... or rather, at times, we feel different not because of that's that.. but simply because the environment.. the people.. MAKE us that way... Take for instance..

(1) Your job is not too important (you think...)
and.. oh well, you think no one's looking ya (hohoho)
So...You just decide to sleep it off!

(2) You wink your way to get what you want...
(3) You scream & cry like a baby to get your "milk"...

(4) You rub shoes to achieve your goals
(5) You steal someone's ideas and make it your own
(6) You complain...complain...complain.... and do a little work,
and shout out to the whole world about what you've done!!!
(7) .... none of the above...

If you are no.7.. then, you're in a big mess I should say.. oh well, more than half of the world's population is probably no.7!!!! What does this tell you? YOU have to face all of the above in your quest to be successful!!!!!! Do you need to be like them.. to be successful? NOOO!

Your life belongs to you. YOU choose which path you wanna take. YOU choose what life you wanna lead. It's all about YOU! If you want to lead a life that is completely problem-less, I suggest you run up to KL Tower and do a bungee jump without the string. There's no such thing.

YOU will have to face all the people who are no.1-6. YOU have to wiggle your way through.. YOU have to find the light at the end of the tunnel.. and YOU have to source for that strength in yourself to fight on.. to carry on! No matter come what may!!!

So.. comes the title... Whenever you see an opportunity coming right up infront of you... Do not hesitate... STRIKE!!!! Opportunities come and go easily. To challenge and win over the No.1-6s.. YOU have to find the right opportunity and if it's a crossroad and life threatening moment... MAKE A DECISION and live with it! Take the opportunity! Make a U turn along the way if necessary, but if you see an opportunity, TAKE IT! Don't hold back!!!! Go all out!!!


Continuous Leo Development

I attended the 1st CLD Board meeting recently in Penang and those who attended were none other than CLD Board Chairman IPDG Kenneth Saw, VDGs Hudson Hah & Shawn Lee, past CLD Chairman PCC Allan Cheah and myself as DC. There are not much changes in the education syllabus and please take note ya.. All CLD plannings can proceed. Here's a brief goal that I would like to achieve:

i) 100% of LEOs in District 308B2 (joined >3 months) to pass the Orientation paper
ii) Speakers for Orientation level to include Senior Omega LEO members (approved!!! yeyyy!)
iii) All BOD to take at least L, E or O...!
iv) 25% increment in Proficiency holders (currently at 174)
v) Start Omega Leo Leader level (We have not done this ever!!!!)... atleast to have a minimum of 20% of the Proficiency to start!

Oh well, if your members have not sat for the Orientation... do ensure that you contact your RCCs and arrange for a session ya!

@ Gurney Plaza

After the CLD meeting, I was able to catch up with a couple of Leos from Penang ~ Leo Nicholas Chan (Chung Ling High School) Outgoing VP; Leo Jonathan Lee & Leo Teoh him Keat (Incoming VP & Treasurer respectively) & Outgoing President Lion Marcus Loh (Lions Club of Ipoh Metro NC)

Well... leos, a kind reminder ya... if you haven't submitted your BOD list and membership updates, please click here:

Click here for the link

You need to submit by end of July otherwise (ahem) you will be classified as the type No.1 aye? :)

Also, fellow secretaries... kindly ensure your MAAR1 & PAR reports are sent according to our guidelines ya. Do rename the file properly. :)


Lion Alan Thoo
DC Leo 2009/2010

Monday, July 13, 2009

Support Alvin Chong, Leo Idol 2008 Champion @ Astro Talent Quest!!!!

Alvin Chong, who hails from Penang, finished his SPM with loads of As on the results slip... was a Penang Regional Finalist of DiGi CelebriTeen 2007.. also made it to the Wild Card selection, and did not make the cut to the CelebriTeen finals.

Thereafter, Alvin continued his quest to pursue his dreams of being a recording artiste... he never stopped!!!! He performed at cafes in Penang, and also performed for roadshows and events held in Penang too.

When Leo Idol 2008 came about... he thought that it would be a good chance for him to try it out again in a singing competition. Hence he did! he managed to get no.2 @ the Penang Regional finals and again failed to make it to finals. However, luck was once again on his side when he was chosen as the Wild Card finalist and he was given yet another chance! At the grand finals of the LEO Idol 2008, he beat the Penang Champion Jason Soon, and grabbed the District LEO Idol Champion, held in Ipoh, in-conjunction with the Leo Forum Fellowship Nite!

Left: Alvin in Digi CelebriTeen 2007 Right: Alvin in LEO Idol 2008
Note: The above are raw unedited files.
We were unable to locate the high quality edited files

Thereafter, he joined the Astro Talent Quest as one of the youngest finalist, and made it through gruesome comments and insults far worse than any of the ones that you can get @ the Leo Idol... and was kicked out into the "PK" round.... But, returned as a Wild Card (againnnnn!!!!!!!!!!)... and now.. a finalist in the Top 5 of Astro Talent Quest!!!! Come 25th July, Alvin will know his fate... whether his wildcard luck.. will grant him that one wish he aspires to get... that one goal.. that one dream...

Alvin Chong Chean Wah... needs your support....

Alvin Chong, receiving the District 308B2 Appreciation Award from
Immediate Past DC May Cheah & IPDG Kenneth Saw at the recently ended
Penang Leo Forum 2009.

Alvin was formerly a Leo member from Chung Ling High School, and still a proud Honourary Celebrity member of the LEO Club of Ipoh Metro (O)....

The Distritct 308B2 LEO Clubs will support you Alvin...Don't look back... Go climb the hundred mountains, swim the thousand seas & fly the million skies!!!!

Remember.. Don't let the Lion in you die...

To vote for Alvin...
Type ASQ 2, send to 33888.

& If you are generous to send 10 votes at one go....
just type ASQ10 2, send to 33888!!!!

"由7月11日起至7月25日决赛当晚,你可以透过手机输入ASQ,或 ASQ10,空一格,2号,发送至33888进行投选,发挥你的影响力,支持我成为“我的至爱新秀”!
support me yea..=) "

- Alvin Chong, Leo Idol 2008 Champion (Chung Ling High School), Current Top 5 Finalist of Astro Talent Quest 2009!!!

*Note: Charges apply

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Hectic Weekend....!

Well, being newly appointed as the District Chairperson for Leo Clubs for District 308B2, I have to say, last weekend was really a hectic one for me! As i have promised to all before, I will try my very best to attend all functions if possible, however, my hands are tied as the timing was all packed!

Travelling from PJ to Ipoh to pick up 4 Leos... then to Alor Star.. then back to Ipoh for a CLD seminar.. then rushed back to PJ for 2 events... the words of "Wah liaoooooo ehhh!" almost came out of everyone that knew our route! Hahah... but then again, it was really fun to meet up with Leos & Lions from all over the district... Inevitably, new friendship blossomed... and borders widened...


Left: Newly installed Presidents for the 4 Leo Clubs in Alor Star
Right: Anniversary celebration with Leos and Lions

The 4 Leo Clubs managed to induct >100 new Leos!!!!
Job Well Done!!!!!

Members of the Lions Club of Alor Star Host
& Leo Club of Alor Star

Region 4 Perak Leos & Region 3 Kedah Leos...
bridging borders... creating friendship!

We left Alor Star after the dinner event, about 11pm-ish... and arrived no earlier than 3am in Ipoh! Slumped down on the bed and slept for a couple of hours...!

CLD @ SMJK Sam Tet, Ipoh

Next, as early as 830am, The Leo Club of Sam Tet hosted the 1st CLD Orientation seminar & examination for new members. Other clubs also participated in the Orientation. A record breaking 130 Leos sat for the examination!!!
(Note: Until further notice, all CLD events are temporarily put on hold till further notice from the CLD Board)

Leo President, Daniel Kok from Sam Tet (2nd from left) with a few of
his B.O.D who put together the Orientation Seminar & Examination


An innovative idea emerged @ PJI's installation.. this is where Taylor College's
Mr Adrian Kuah, founder of "Breaking the Silence", a program to create awareness
and education on HIV/AIDs gave a short speech and presentations on the topic.
He also urged all Leos to consider taking part in this program to further educate the young
ones today on the danger of this disease.

Presentation of certificates/awards of achievements (from LEO Forum)
to Leo Club of PJI's members

Induction of 16 new members of the Leo Club of PJI! Bravo!!!!

Sponsoring Lions Club President, Lion Shanker, installed
the new Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2009/2010 with
Leo President, Leo Beatrice Grace Chan taking over the leadership of
the club

Leos from PJ & Ipoh!!!!

by Lions Club of PJ Metro

Azizi Zakaria, Teen Ambassador of the National Kidney Foundation (NKF)
sang alongside Ben J & Zenny Lyn (Leo Club of Ipoh Metro President & Secretary)
for the Urban Groove concert in aid of the NKF Funds.

They sang 3 song together and then, Azizi sang his hit single,
Kamu Semua thereafter!


After a long day on the 11th, Leos from Anderson & St. Michael's (Ipoh) who
stayed back another day joined members of the Leo Clubs of PJI, Subang Utama,
Seafield & Ipoh Metro to have brunch @ Ms Reads @ One Utama, PJ.

@ the bus stand minuted before departure....
Such fellowship across regions should be encouraged and focused on!!!
We shouldn't wait till the yearly LEO Forum to meet Leos from other regions!
take the initiative to cross borders!!! Build friendship, organize projects together...

It is only then... the true meaning of LEO will emerge!!!
Sharing and caring need not be amongst just Leos from your region/district!
Let's expand that border so that the entire District 308B2 will come as one closely knit family!

(Disclaimer: Please obtain all consent from school authorities, sponsoring Lions Clubs,
parents etc etc prior to 'crossing borders' ya! Don't get us into trouble. hahaha! :P)

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Sponsorship for club activities

Dear all,

In the midst of the fluctuating economy, many companies have now withdrawn its sponsorship for major events, and when it comes to smaller ones like LEO club activities, only a handful made pass the chopping board. I am in the position of negotiating sponsorship for both small, medium and large scale projects. Should you have a project coming up, be it whatever scale, please send an email to me detailing the project and its course, target audience/market and a little more explicit details.

With that, I will try my best to look for any form of sponsorship for you in cash or kind.

Lion Alan Thoo
DC LEO 09/10

JULY COMPETITION: Win RM100.00 for your online Blog/Newsletter!!!!!

Heyyyy Leos! Wanna win something for your club's project fund? How? well, it's easy!!!!!

Start pumping up the news on your blog! Use all ways possible to get your news out there! Spread the spirit of being a LEO member to your friends, family members.. anyone actually!!!! How? SIMPLE!!!!

Firstly, decorate your blog nicely ya. Put videos (related ones laaaa aiyooo).. photo links, tabs, applications of any kind (again, related ones ya.. don't go link to Britney's site for no reason - unless shes auctioning her shoes and panty hoses for charity!!!! Like.. duhhhhh?!)

You have till end of July 2009 to really "pump-up" your club's blog/E-newsletter!!!! The winner will be announced in August!

Also, you need to embed the NKF new video onto your site to qualify ya! Here are the html codes => Download NKF-Video HTML codes here!

i) Open your blogspot account. Click on "customize"
ii) Click on "Add a gadget" and a pop-up window will come out
iii) Select HTML/Javascript
iv) Paste and save.
v) Refresh page, and you should see the "ipod" looking player on our blog!
Otherwise, contact me ya!

Oh ya, some tips:

i) Usage of Blog as a showcase of calendar of events. Perhaps post the event first, then, list it on some sub-columns by the side

ii) Interview your past BOD, member etc etc? I'm pretty sure that your club has produced some really successful individuals over the years... an athlete? a celebrity? a big boss now? a famous character? etc etc etc.

iii) Some Youth Exchange experience?

iv) Talk about some open topic, perhaps?

All of the above doesnt mean that YOU HAVE to do.. It's just a simple guideline/sample

Aite! Good luck!!!! Ahoj! Good luck!!!! May the best and most "happening" blog wins!
