Friday, July 17, 2009


Dear all Secretaries,

As your club has just started a brand new fiscal year, I am pretty sure you do not want your records to be tarnished simply because you folks didn't perform your first duty to the best of your capabilities. So far, I have only received ONE completed Directory from Leo Club of SMK Taman Sea (thumbs up!!!!)

Please submit the following:

i) Key Officers & Portfolio Chairperson/Directors for FY 2009/2010 (Due 30th July 2009)
ii) Membership updates (Due 31st August 2009)

I have extended the membership database collection, but I seriously need your Directory for your BOD by end of July!

Please send your directories to:

Please rename your file to: directory-clubname.xls
For example: directory-leoclubof_abubakar.xls

DC Alan Thoo

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