Tuesday, July 28, 2009

MAAR/PAR reports

Dear Leos,

So that everyone has a clear picture on the reporting for the first time this fiscal year, let's go through once again ya!

By the 5th of August 2009, 5.00pm Malaysian time, your secretary MUST submit their reports to the following people:
  • DC Alan Thoo (alan@eventplusmarketing.com)
  • Leo Secretariat (leosecretariat@gmail.com)
  • RCC (Your respective RCC emails pls)
  • Sponsoring Lions Club President
  • Leo Advisor
  • Faculty Advisor (Alpha only)
Your reports MUST include:
  • MAAR1
  • PAR (Optional ~ for those who would like to elaborate on a particular project that they have organized)
  • Treasurer Report (Only to Sponsoring Lions Club President & Advisors!)
*You may send up to 5Mb of the email. Please shrink/compress all photos prior to saving your files.

Kindly ensure the following:
  • Zip all files in a folder.
  • Rename the folder as year-month-region-club (i.e. 200907-R5-leoclubof_alibaba.zip)
  • When you send an email, please put a title... not just "Report for the month of July!". For example, the title of your email should be "Report for the month of July - Leo Club of Ali Baba
  • In your email, have the courtesy to type a cover note as I will not accept any emails that are blank. Learn to be courteous and have manners when you send your reports by email. For example:
Dear Lion Alan,

Attached herewith reports for the month of July 2009 for your kind perusal. Should there be any queries, kindly contact me at XXXXXXXX.


Leo Chin Chong Cheng
Leo Club of SMK Ali Baba
Region 5
District 308B2

Log on to Penang's Region 1 Blog (Click Here), to find out how you can create pdf files of your documents so that you can shrink them into smaller sizes.

That's all, and good luck on the reporting! No excuses will be entertained for late reports ya. Just because this is the first month, you might be thinking that I will be slightly more "lenient" towards the acceptance of your reports. Well, think again! :)

On another note, I would like to call upon all bloggers/IT Chairpersons to add a separate link of this District 308B2 LEO Clubs blog into your blog, instead of grouping everything in a list of other blogs that you link up. Here's how you do it

1) Go to your CUSTOMIZE button, click on it.
2) Click on ADD A GADGET
3) Scroll down and select BLOGLIST
4) Change title to "District 308B2 LEO Online"
5) At the 'tick' box, click all incl "Thumbnail of most recent item"
6) In the middle, there's a ADD TO LIST button, click on it
7) When a pop up comes up, type "www.leo308b2.blogspot.com" and save
8) Click on Save!



Lion Alan Thoo
District Chairperson for LEO Clubs
District 308B2

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