Thursday, July 16, 2009

Grabbing Opportunities ....!

Sometimes, in life, opportunities come by quickly. You may have 10 people who walk into the Leo Idol audition room and 2 makes it, the rest go home... and perhaps there might be the next 10 who go in and none got pass the chopping boards. Sometimes, one wonders, is it all about talent? Is it all about luck? Is it timing?

Why is it that some of the MBA or Degree holders who graduate from a university get only about Rm3k ++ a month (for the last 5 years).. and there's this other dude who failed his SPM.. yet he's driving a BMW? How come out of the 50 MBA graduates, only 5 made it as CEOs and the other 45... probably working under them?

Let's ponder on this:
3) SHE'S PRETTIER...or... HE'S SMARTER....more handsome.. THAT'S WHY lahhhh!

Have you ever thought of it the other way round:
1) This world sux, but I'm going to wiggle my way through! No matter what!
2) Ya.. He got the job cause his uncle's a damnnnn powerful man. But, I dont care. i'm going to proof to the world that no matter what it takes, I don't need an uncle, dad or whoever to bring me up. I will work hard and smart ... and achieve my goals and dreams
3) Ya I know she's a hot chic. People adore her. But that won't last. I'm not going to loose to a bimbo. I'm going to work harder and show the world.. that.. life is not always about looks and beauty!

To summarize....
Yup... I agree with everyone! LIFE SUX! The World and reality Sux! The next question is..

Life sux to the end. Reality's cruel...! When you know you are driving towards a dead end, why not make a U Turn rather than crashing your car into the wall? When you climb to the top of the mountain only to find out that it's the wrong peak....(!!!??) Are you going to jump off the mountain and die? Or are you going to descend.. and climb the right mountain so that you still get to achieve your goals and dreams?

Life is never fair to everyone. A fact that is duely inevitable. However, if you learn how to go around it, learn to adapt to it... YOU LIVE!!!! You SURVIVE!!!! AND...


There are a couple types of people amongst us... or rather, at times, we feel different not because of that's that.. but simply because the environment.. the people.. MAKE us that way... Take for instance..

(1) Your job is not too important (you think...)
and.. oh well, you think no one's looking ya (hohoho)
So...You just decide to sleep it off!

(2) You wink your way to get what you want...
(3) You scream & cry like a baby to get your "milk"...

(4) You rub shoes to achieve your goals
(5) You steal someone's ideas and make it your own
(6) You complain...complain...complain.... and do a little work,
and shout out to the whole world about what you've done!!!
(7) .... none of the above...

If you are no.7.. then, you're in a big mess I should say.. oh well, more than half of the world's population is probably no.7!!!! What does this tell you? YOU have to face all of the above in your quest to be successful!!!!!! Do you need to be like them.. to be successful? NOOO!

Your life belongs to you. YOU choose which path you wanna take. YOU choose what life you wanna lead. It's all about YOU! If you want to lead a life that is completely problem-less, I suggest you run up to KL Tower and do a bungee jump without the string. There's no such thing.

YOU will have to face all the people who are no.1-6. YOU have to wiggle your way through.. YOU have to find the light at the end of the tunnel.. and YOU have to source for that strength in yourself to fight on.. to carry on! No matter come what may!!!

So.. comes the title... Whenever you see an opportunity coming right up infront of you... Do not hesitate... STRIKE!!!! Opportunities come and go easily. To challenge and win over the No.1-6s.. YOU have to find the right opportunity and if it's a crossroad and life threatening moment... MAKE A DECISION and live with it! Take the opportunity! Make a U turn along the way if necessary, but if you see an opportunity, TAKE IT! Don't hold back!!!! Go all out!!!


Continuous Leo Development

I attended the 1st CLD Board meeting recently in Penang and those who attended were none other than CLD Board Chairman IPDG Kenneth Saw, VDGs Hudson Hah & Shawn Lee, past CLD Chairman PCC Allan Cheah and myself as DC. There are not much changes in the education syllabus and please take note ya.. All CLD plannings can proceed. Here's a brief goal that I would like to achieve:

i) 100% of LEOs in District 308B2 (joined >3 months) to pass the Orientation paper
ii) Speakers for Orientation level to include Senior Omega LEO members (approved!!! yeyyy!)
iii) All BOD to take at least L, E or O...!
iv) 25% increment in Proficiency holders (currently at 174)
v) Start Omega Leo Leader level (We have not done this ever!!!!)... atleast to have a minimum of 20% of the Proficiency to start!

Oh well, if your members have not sat for the Orientation... do ensure that you contact your RCCs and arrange for a session ya!

@ Gurney Plaza

After the CLD meeting, I was able to catch up with a couple of Leos from Penang ~ Leo Nicholas Chan (Chung Ling High School) Outgoing VP; Leo Jonathan Lee & Leo Teoh him Keat (Incoming VP & Treasurer respectively) & Outgoing President Lion Marcus Loh (Lions Club of Ipoh Metro NC)

Well... leos, a kind reminder ya... if you haven't submitted your BOD list and membership updates, please click here:

Click here for the link

You need to submit by end of July otherwise (ahem) you will be classified as the type No.1 aye? :)

Also, fellow secretaries... kindly ensure your MAAR1 & PAR reports are sent according to our guidelines ya. Do rename the file properly. :)


Lion Alan Thoo
DC Leo 2009/2010


miewyin said...

totally agree with DC Alan...opportunities that we grab can lead us to what we want...but of course, there will be obstacles along the way...

it's like a game of Mario brothers...knocking on all the bricks to get something good out of it and jumping over the tortoise/snails to avoid getting killed, all for one goal, which is the end of the road to go to the next level...

i had a goal when i was treasurer for Ipoh Unity...i worked hard for it, grabbed every relevant opportunity available and the results were sweet...REAL SWEET...i just took hold of all the opportunities in front of me, whether i have the ability to handle them or, i treated those simple ones as something to improve on and difficult ones as a challenge...

it may be bitter along the road, but always remember that getting through and reaching your destination is a feeling that no words can describe...

p/s: Lion Alan, i think i know what you're thinking to have the CLD board approve senior Omega Leos to conduct Orientation seminars...XD

Alan Thoo said...

Leo Geraldine.. firstly... Appreciate your true feedback on your personal achievement... struggle and also success story at the end. :)

As for the CLD.. hohoho... spot on matey! :P

Ln Alan Thoo

`~~ViNcEnT KhOR$~~` said...

Haha.. I have no words but to agree with what u said, not only opportunity that we have to grab, one need to be ambitious and set a high goal and pull themselves to the maximum in order to achieve success.. Do update about CLD program, I am prepared to take up Part 2 and Omega Leo Leader part in next year when I am based back to Malaysia.. :-)